Mon, 3/11: Boosterthon Starts
Register at MYBOOSTER.COM & share today to help our school reach our goal of $30,000 for students & staff. Students will complete the run during school hours, with their grade level classmates, on the Cotswold campus, Tuesday, March 19.
Tue, 3/13: Domino’s Spirit Night
It’s our monthly Domino’s Spirit Night. Please continue to support our local Cotswold Domino’s on Colwick on Tuesday, March 12 4-8pm. This year alone they have donated close to $1000 from sales to our PTA. Make it a pizza night with Domino’s!!
Wed, 3/14: Early Release Day
The Billingsville campus will dismiss at 11:30 and the Cotswold campus will dismiss at 11:45.
Fri, 3/15: Dress Down Day
Wear green for ST. Patrick’s Day