Congrats to Mrs. Clark and Ms. Soto, our October staff members of the month! Here are some highlights from your nominations:
Mrs. Clark, Kindergarten Teacher: “Mrs. Clark had a huge impact on my daughter in kindergarten. Her passion for teaching is reflected in everything that my daughter learned that year.” and “Mrs. Clark makes learning so fun! Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious, may she always spread the love of learning!”
Ms. Soto, 5th Grade Teacher: “Sara Soto truly deserves to be Staff Member of the Month on the Cotswold Campus! She is very knowledgeable about content areas that she teaches (literacy, social studies, math and science) and has great control of her classroom. She is extremely kind and very sweet when redirecting her students.”
To celebrate, each of our winners will receive a gift card to your favorite store and from local partner, The Butler’s Pantry. Thanks for helping to make BCE such a special place!