Girls Under the Sea Dance
- On Friday, April 21st from 6:30-8:30 PM, all BCE girls K-5 and their adult guest are invited to join us for an Under the Sea Dance on the Cotswold campus. Admission includes light refreshments, DJ, activities, 360 photo booth and more! You do not want to miss this night!
- RSVP and purchase electronic ticket by April 18th. Electronic RSVP and payment via Parent Square is preferred. From a desktop, select “Pay/Payment” and “RSVP” from post options below. From a mobile device, select “$ Items for Purchase” and “RSVP” at the top. RSVP and payment can also be sent to school labeled PTA Girls Dance with check (made out to BCE PTA) or cash.
- Cost: $10 BCE girl and adult. $5 for each additional BCE girl. Contact the school counselor at Cotswold for financial assistance, If you would like to sponsor a student’s admission, please include that in your ParentSquare payment.
- Volunteer Request: School events are successful with parent/guardian involvement. Please consider signing up for a shift via ParentSquare. From a desktop, select “Sign Up” from post options below. From a mobile device, select “Volunteer Needs” at the top. A thankful representative will contact volunteers prior to the event!
Sponsored by your BCE PTA
Boosterthon- One Week Away!
Just ONE week until kick off for our BCE Fun Run! You can get a head start by registering your student and donating TODAY to help our school. Head to MYBOOSTER.COM now to register and give to our fundraiser. Thank you for your support!
❗️Reminder: there are just a few days left to register your student on or before 03/15/2023 and they will be able to wear a hat to school on 3/16!
Spring After-School Activities Registration Open!
After-school activities are registering for their spring semesters!
Mad Science on Wednesdays
P3 Soccer on Tuesday and/or Thursday
P3 Soccer on Tuesdays
Click here for a full list of after-school activities
Congratulations Staff Members of the Month!
Congrats to Mrs. Blakey and Mr. Clawson, our February staff members of the month! To celebrate, each of you will receive a gift card to your favorite store and from local partner, The Butler’s Pantry. Your pictures are also posted in the office at each campus!
Highlights from your nominations:
Mrs. Blakey (Billingsville campus Spanish teacher): “Senora Linda seems to truly love and take pride in her job as a Spanish teacher. She has done an amazing job with the Deeper Dive program and my son is always excited for her class. I appreciate how well she communicates with parents about her needs and the things she has planned for the students.” And “Senora Blakey makes Spanish FUN! She is always trying to find creative ways to teach her students, like playing games and learning songs in Spanish and eating cultural treats.”
Mr. Clawson (Cotswold campus Instructional Assistant, Behavioral Specialist): “Mr. Clawson has worked at Cotswold for over 25 years. He is a positive male role model that the students look up to. He goes above and beyond to help in all capacities at the school. In his current position he must meet students where they are and have those deep discussions that promote real change. I have had the opportunity to see him one on one with students and his “Keeping it Real Speeches” are some of the best. He develops relationships with students that last beyond Cotswold. Day after day, he always shows up!